Corporate Governance

Draw and implement a shareholders structure that fosters the growth of an enterprise or a family business by safeguarding the interests of the founding members and realizing a governance that incorporates the diversity of skills required for an effective implementation of the company strategy.

Corporate structure

In the context of a company reorganization, transfer of shares, family arrangement and generational transition, we support our clients in the definition and implementation of a legal and corporate structure that ensures the best conditions for the implementation of the company strategy and the best protection of the founding shareholders interests.

Governance systems

We support our clients owning a family business in the remodeling the company governance with the introduction of experienced managers and the redesign of the governance systems at the level of board of directors, internal committees and control functions, according to a framework consistent with the business strategy and founders aspirations.

Shareholders agreements

We support our clients owners of companies and family business in shaping shareholders agreements (on economic, financial, tax and legal matters) complementary to the by-law with the aim of steering special rights in transfer of shares, distribution of assets, corporate governance, in parallel to the implementation of the business strategy.

Generational transition

We support our clients owners of family business in managing the generational transition through programs for the coaching of new generations to the roles of managers, administrators and shareholders, their step-by-step participation to enterprise management, the succession to the leadership of the company with the ultimate goal to keep under control the discontinuity induced by the generational change.



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